Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Avatard Halloween costume fail

Boo! I am your host, Count Suckula! Blaa! I have done some horrible things in my lifetime, but I can't say any of them are scarier than these costumes! So bevare, because thees ees some pretty scary stuff keeds, ha ha ha! Just keep telling yourself, no matter how shitty your costume is, it's probably better than these.
This image summons up everything I hate about Avatar. It's a supposedly anti-capitalist, anti-consumerist film, but was made by a huge corporation to make millions of dollars, and here are the Na'Vi, out shopping. One with nature indeed.


Even cool prosthetics still don't keep you from looking retarded.
"I'd fuck me"

I thought it was only us humans who were fat, and that it was causing us cancer or some shit?
Ten bucks says that's a man.
Katniss was never the same again after watching Avatar.

UGH! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go gouge my eyes out. Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Avatard writes racist sci-fi novel for teens

One of the more common tactics used by avatards is to talk about how influential Avatar has been and how much it has changed the way movies are made. Other than an influx of 3D movies (which have existed since the 50s, and which were coming out so regularly that Cinemark was parodying it in their advertisements before Avatar even came out), I've failed to see the influence.

Now it seems though, that Avatar has had an influence on something, but not in in the area of film, but literature. A book recently came out called 'Saving the Pearls' involving environmental messages, the main character changing their race, and interracial romance with cat people.

It's certainly been getting attention lately. Mainly because it's a racist piece of shit. The book takes place in the future, where global warming caused by corporations has made it so that only black people can go out in the day, and have become the ruling class (seriously, that's the plot). So the heroine dyes her skin black so that she will be considered socially acceptable, and falls in love with a black dude who is also half-cat.

Also, if you were wondering what the title was referring to, it's because black people call themselves "coals", while white people are called "pearls" as a slur. If blacks were the ruling class, why would they call themselves "coals" instead of say, a more valuable black metal, like onyx? and wyh would white poeple, the minority, be named after a valuable object?

Hmmm, an attempt at fighting racism that is actually very racist itself, stupid logic, bullshit knowledge of even basic science. Sounds like Avatar to me!

And yes, that is the novel's heroine in blackface for the book's trailer.

Yes, this is a real book, and it really has been published. Just like '50 Shades of Gray' started out as a Twilight fanfic, who wants to bet that this racist bullshit started out as an Avatar fanfic? I wouldn't fucking be surprised, in fact, I'm pretty damn sure that's the case.

Remember this next time Avatards talk about how the movie has helped to combat racism and that only racist people dislike it, even though I've shown how thoroughly bullshitty that claim is.

Go here for a wonderful sporking of the book.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

South Park takes Cameron down a peg

I'm a little late for this because of irl stuff, but I just watched the latest episode of South Park on their official website. Most of the show was devoted to parodying Honey Boo-Boo (a show that you just know is beloved by avatards, particularly the ones always whining about 'fat ugly americans' like the commenters in the article), but they had a hilarious sub-plot involving James Cameron attempting to literally "raise the bar" for entertainment.
Now, even though Cameron is technically portrayed as a hero in this episode, it also depicts him as a smug, self-righteous ass with a hero complex whose egotistical ramblings drive his henchmen crazy:
Now this is satire I can get behind. Matt anbd Trey clearly respect Cameron, but they do admit the flaws both of the man himnself and his work, and it's all done without any viciousness or slandering.

Besides, thats what my blog is for.

Knowing the avatards, it's likely they'll either completely miss the satire and think the episode is celebrating Cameron, or they'll think it's attacking him and go troll various South Park sites.