Monday, July 30, 2012

Avatards and Race Relations: Exposing a myth

One of the great myths spread by Avatards is that Avatar was successful because it had an "anti-racist" message, and was beloved by all minorities (especially black people) and that if you dislike the film, you must automatically be some sort of white supremacist racist inbred pot-bellied redneck sharecropper KKK member from the deep south who "doesn't want to see the truth" that Avatar provides. The only minorities who dislike the film are "Uncle Toms" (a submissive, weak-willed black person who loves white people and bows down to them), supposedly.

 Except, no. That isn't true at all.

A quick search on Google images for Avatar fans shows almost exclusively white people in costume, at conventions, or attending re-releases of the film. With one exception on page 3, it is like this for more than 20 pages (which is where I stopped looking) of ALL the results you see on Google images. Furthermore, a quick search on Google for White people + Avatar immediately brings up completely negative articles regarding the film and calling it "racist", "a feel good movie for white people", "patronizing", etc. Don't take my word for it though:

 Also interestingly, that first article, "When will white people stop making movies like Avatar", isn't just one that only came up because it matched the search terms; it is actually a very widespread article which many people believe and agree with. Look at how mnay times it has been copied to other sites on the internet; clearly, it isn't just an obscure/ignored rant made up by some lone crazy person:
 However, those results don't prove anything so much as that lots of people see a racist-condescending subtext in the film. There are people out there who will read racism into anything. Broad results like this don't prove that black people love or hate the film.

 But individual bloggers do.

The person who runs Truth First, a black power blog so outspoken some have called it satire, absolutely hates the film, and considers Neytiri "a white man's perversion" of African beauty.

 Now read some of the other posts on the blog.

 Does the person who runs "Truth First" sound like an "Uncle Tom" to you?

 Next we find the forums for Assata Shakur, black panther and mother of Tupac. This place has been described by some people as the "black version of Stormfront".

 Do those people, who consider white people a failed mutant race who suffer from undiagnosed insanity that makes them want to conquer other races, sound like submissive Uncle Toms to you?

 I'd be very interested in seeing an Avatard try to tell these people, in person, that they are Uncle Toms because they didn't love Avatar.

 Now we come to one of the only black guys I can find online who likes Avatar, Mr. Bunche, of the Vault of Buncheness blog.

 Vault of Buncheness exclusively reviews B-movies, sci-fi movies, porn and exploitation films, so it is inevitable that Avatar would be reviewed and, compared to a lot of the crap covered there, would come out looking good. Bunche did not LOVE the film, but he enjoyed it a lot and said he would see it again.

 I think it is telling that, for a film that "all black people everywhere" love, one would have to seek out an obscure sci-fi film blogger to find a black person who actually likes the film. Keep in mind too, that Bunche did not praise the film because of it's message, he thought the film was as cliche as the haters did; he just enjoyed it because he felt it was a technically apt, entertaining film and that there was no way the story could really be fresh, so he enjoyed it for what it is. Bunche also is known for enjoying the films of John Waters, as well as comedies like Soul Plane (which is widely loathed among the broader African American community as a "modern-day minstrel show").

 Clearly, he is a very hard man to offend, thus it makes sense that he wouldn't find Avatar problematic. I am not saying I am questioning his credibility because of the films he watches, in fact, I find it admirable that he likes "trashy" movies so openly, but clearly this is a guy who couldn't care less about the film's "message".

 So ultimately, we see from just these simple results that NO, Avatar is not universally beloved by the African-American community. At best, it was mildly enjoyed by ONE blogger who doesn't even view films in terms of race, at the most moderate, it was considered a well-meaning bone toss that was still extremely problematic and that would have been better if the main character was not present at all, at worst, it is considered a perversion of African culture and lambasted for it's racist, condescending use of the "mighty whitey" trope.

 And as for racists disliking the film...

 I've long used the term "chimpout' both online and in real life to describe people who fly off the handle because of stupid shit, but I've used it increasingly less because of a racist website called, which is a site devoted to comparing black people to monkeys. is interesting, in that it occasionally makes good points about double standards in media and is extremely tolerant of most non-white races, but it's still a despicable hate site. So, because of my personal dislike for the site, I decided to use it as my test to see just how much "racists" really "feel threatened" by Avatar.

In brief, they weren't.

 Most of them in fact, praised the film for not having any black people play human characters, several made defenses for the film saying it was harmless entertainment, one of them even liked the character of Neytiri and said they could ignore the fact that she was voiced by a black actress, one poster even approved of Zoe Saldana's casting by saying "who better to play a non-human than a non-human?" (which is as close to a compliment as they can give). Even the most vehemently negative of the posters still praised the film as a "technological triumph" and found good things to say about the film. Some even praised the Na'Vi as being better than actual black people.

 While I can't say that they all liked the film, for a forum whose entire purpose is to demonize black people, the posters on CO all seemed fairly ambivalent about the film. Clearly, they were not "threatened" or offended by it's message, several even defended it. Even the most negative feelings towards the film were calmly delivered and not filled with rage. All in all, that being the biggest thread on CO about Avatar, it was clear that not too many people cared.

 Objectively then, I would say that, when a website second only to Stormfront in infamy that has been called "the most racist website in North America" is ambivalent at worst towards a film, sometimes supportive (if in a condescending way), then that film is probably not "making racists everywhere feel threatened".

So who are the racists and bigots who discuss Avatar?

 Using the same logic that the fans do, I can only say that most racist and bigoted people who discuss Avatar are: The Fans.

 They make N-word jokes, check out this fan's username:

 He also clearly is not simply using the name as a term of endearment towards himself, he knows he's being racist, and laughing about it. Proof? He changed his username overnight because he didn't want to get called out for it:

  They also have no problem with other forms of bigotry, such as homphobia:

 They also quote racists in their signatures:
 Yes indeed, Gandhi was a racist. He even has fans on Chimpout.

 Yes, I know that "FinalFantasy_" was just joking around, pancake-eater was just issuing a common schoolyard taunt (although it does show how immature he is), and MuchToBeGratefulFor is not quoting Gandhi because of his racism, but still, this shows their hypocrisy.

 So what does this prove? Does it prove that I'm right? No, there are exception to every rule, but it does prove several things:

 -Avatar is not terribly popular with African-Americans to any overwhelming degree, and those who do praise it either couldn't care less about it's "message" or like the message but still find the film problematic. It is DEFINITELY not universally popular with them.

-Racists (and not just any racists, but ones from one of the most infamous racist websites of all time) don't have any particular hatred for the film, most are ambivalent about it, and some even support it. They are certainly not "threatened" by it.

-Avatar fans have no problem making racist and homophobic jokes, quoting racists, and telling people how they should feel. If anyone is the bigots, it's them.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Loose brains: When Avatards become 9/11 truthers

 You knew it was just a matter of time before it turned out that Avatards were 9/11 conspiracy theorists. It's so obvious that they would be that it just kind of slips your mind. Check this shit out:
A possible voice of reason?
That's a good Avatard. Have a cookie, then go get your fucking shinebox.

I find it amazing that people will believe what some website tells them to.

So does this prove that all Avatards are scum? No, but it does prove several things:

 1) It isn't all an act. Avatards really do take themselves seriously as being "rebels" fighting the evil Joo government.

 2) Avatards lack knowledge of even the most basic scientific principles.

 3) The Avatar fans out there who actually are educated and intelligent are mocked and laughed at by the majority of the fanbase.

 4) Avatards are easily influenced by what they see in movies and websites.

 You know, let's just argue for a moment that 9/11 really was an inside job, you have to wonder what the FBI would think if I turned this all in to them...

Friday, July 20, 2012

Shooting at Colorado premiere of 'Dark Knight Rises": Possible Avatard at work?

 For most of us, going to see The Dark Knight Rises last night was a fun-filled experience. Oh yes, the film was depressing as hell, but it felt so good to see a decent wrap-up for the trilogy, especially one that avoided the dreaded "third movie' syndrome.

 Sadly, for a theatre in Colorado, a night's fun turned into tragedy. Some lunatic opened fire on a crowd, and 12 are already dead.

 Already, the liberals are trying to blame the film's content and the villain Bane as the inspiration for the shooting. This doesn't make sense; why would a fan shoot other fans? How would he be inspired to emulate the film if it only just premiered? (Maybe he saw an advance screening?) It's probably more likely that some nutjob, inspired all the OWS stuff from the past year, decided to emulate Bane (there was a massive scale trolling by OWS supporters on the TDKR boards because they thought Bane was supposed to represent them) as some idiotic form of protest against "capitalist" America, but I doubt it.

 What I'm scared about is, is this the first example of an Avatard going on a killing spree?

Avatards have been going off on Nolan and Batman fanboys since day one, and although I know several Avatar-haters who are Batman fans, I've yet to see a single one actually mention the film of their own accord when debating with Cameron fanboys on the various Avatar message boards. Nevertheless, Avatards have tried their best to keep up pretenses of there being a rivalry. I've seen them accusing people who hated Avatar of being Batman/Nolan/comic book fans with no proof, as if it was some generic insult:
Fun fact: clr03f has never mentioned comic books at all on his entire time on the Avatar boards.

 Is it possible some Avatard has finally snapped, and decided to kill some people as some sort of twisted "revenge" against Nolans fans, or to drive down the film's box office?

 I've already e-mailed several of my scan providers asking if they've seen any recent threats by Avatards against Nolan fans. I know there have been, I even remember some idiot on the IMDb forums joking about setting off a bomb at the premiere of the next Batman movie (this was back in 2010) but I don't know for sure how recently and how seriously (you never can tell with these whackjobs). Rest assured, if  me or my providers finds something incriminating , to the FBI it will go.

 So far, the killer's motives have not been released to the public, and likely the killer wasn't inspired by anything at all other than his own psychosis, but I'll be following this case. I really, really pray I'm wrong about this guy being an Avatard, because you just know there will be copycats if he is.

 Whatever the case, let's not lose sight of the victims. My heart goes out to each and every one of them and their friends and families. There are some sick, sick people in this world, and it's sad that they can't all just confine their dementia to message boards.

Friday, July 13, 2012

An unlucky day for Avatar fans...

 I never put much stock in superstitions, and when it comes to 80's slasher flicks I much prefer the one about a homeboy named Freddy and this girl named Nancy. Still, today is Friday the 13th, and I've discovered some unlucky news for Avatards. I entered the terms "Avatar isn't a ripoff of dances with wolves" and look what the results were:
 Google doesn't lie fanboys!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Avatards are greedy bastards:

 Feelings of inferiority, as we've discussed, are one of the defining traits of the typical Avatar fanboy. NOTHING will satisfy these people, NOTHING. The next president could change the country's name to Pandora, or legally recognize Na'Vi as a race, and these idiots still will whine about the film being "underrated".

Now, get this, despite the film still being in the IMDb Top 500, Avatards are whining en masse about the film not being in the Top 250:

 Apparently, being in the Top 250 for 3 years (yes, the film had already made the top 250 just a day after it came out) isn't enough:

 The film remained in the Top 250 as recently as May 2012 (sadly, Wayback Machine hasn't captured 2012 yet), in fact, a troll named The_Purge devoted himself to complaining about the film's being in the top 250, celebrating whenever it would drop a notch, and he still remains, along with Sith56, Alias, Statler_and_waldorf's_account, Tarababy and YoungSmells, near the top of the Avatar IMDb board's "rogues gallery". In fact, a more recent troll named clr03f  was accused of being his sockpuppet:

 However, for argument's sake, let's discount 2009 and most of 2012. Even then, Avatar was still in the Top 250 for two straight years, and it's place there was well known and prominent enough for a troll who remains infamous to this day to base their entire gimmick off of the that., and it still is in the top 500.

 And yet, they still whine. Most fanbases would be proud to have their favorite films make the bottom of the top 250 for a few months, but two whole years (discounting 2009 and 2012) still will not satisfy Avatards. They need the excessive stimulation and reassurance, or they will go berserk.

BTW, here's an interesting link about symptoms of sociopaths, pay attention to #4. Sounds familiar, huh?

 Pray that the film never falls out of the top 500, because if it does, well, let's put it this way: Many have feared that if Trayvon Martin shooter George Zimmerman walks free, that there will be a massive scale riot similar to the Rodney King riots, both from angry minorities and cocky racists. Now, imagine a  similar riot 100x worse that has no serious social cause at it's roots, one where the rioters in question are people who fit at least one trait of a sociopath, have repeatedly stated their hatred for mankind in general, clearly suffer from severe mental problems like autism, cheer on revolutions, and who won't just be targeting white people, but people period.

 I doubt a bunch of idiot avatards could be that dangerous, but still; sane people with guns who have flipped their lids are scary enough, but people who never had their lids fully on in the first place are far scarier. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Avatard believes in ancient aliens, film at 11:00

 For people who have epic chimpouts whenever someone calls the Na'Vi "smurfs", Avatards sure do behave similar to smurfs. Just as the smurfs have _ smurfs (Papa, Brainy), Avatards also fall into categories defined by only one characteristic. We have Furry Avatard, Cosplay AvatardFair-Use Hating Avatard, Scary Avatard, and so on. Personally, I'm waiting for Neo-Nazi Avatard and Fundamentalist Christian Avatard to show up. Thus, it wasn't too far out of the reach for me to find out that there's an Ancient Aliens Advocating Avatard out there:

Now here's where it gets really funny:

 For those who don't know, Chariot of the Gods is based off of a long-debunked book by some crackpot named Erich Von Daniken.

 Don't these morons realize how much serious scientists (including a few UFOlogists) have come to resent all of this ancient alien crap? They really think this shit gives them credibility? Most history teachers have come to hate the History Channel almost exlcusively because of the popularity of this crap. There's even a wide-ranging internet meme based off of it. Hell, I even made one myself:

The Avatardery grows crazier every day. You just know there's going to be Holocaust denial and Moon landing hoax theories popping up next amongst these idiots.....

.....if there hasn't been already.